Writers keep writing for a lot of reasons, and give up for a lot of reasons. But as I’ve been putting more effort into my own work over the last year, one thing has been invaluable for me – supportive feedback.
Read MoreHey there, fancy seeing you here. Especially since there hasn’t been anything new to see since *checks calendar* September. Good grief.
A few things have happened since then.
Read MoreWhen I had the idea to start featuring women who are doing inspiring/exciting/cool stuff in their midlife years, I had a couple already in mind. The first was R.L. Maizes, whose debut short story collection I had just finished reading. The other was Talya Tate Boerner, a woman I am thrilled to say is a personal friend. It’s pretty awesome to have friends who inspire you, as many of you probably know.
Read MoreToo often, women over the age of forty are expected to fade into the background. It doesn’t matter if we are experienced at whatever we’re doing or if we’re launching something new, the prevailing thought seems to be that we should step aside and let the next generation “have their turn”.
But guess what – some of us over forty haven’t had our turn yet.
R.L. Maizes was one of the first women who came to mind when I decided to start collecting these stories and sharing them here.
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