This morning I took my fifth grader to school. Fifth grade. Last year of elementary school. We have seen the signs coming that he is becoming a “Young Man”… black heads on his perpetually dirty face, soft curls turning into wiry, barely-controlled nests on his head, disinterest/obsession with women in low-cut blouses… here we go.
Since he’s becoming his own person, and is definitely exhibiting his own personal preferences in clothing and such, I was thrilled to be asked to write a blog post for the Northwest Arkansas Mall, and go shopping on their dime for some new school clothes. I also have a giveaway for a lucky local reader, so keep reading!
My #1 goal when we hit the mall last Saturday was to get this kid’s hair cut. As you can tell, it had been a while… He has worn a ball cap a lot this summer, but hats aren’t allowed at school, so there was an intervention needed.

She was great, and he was super happy with the result. Now it was on to find some new duds! He recently got new tennis shoes, and doesn’t need new shorts or jeans either, so we decided to spend the bulk of our gift card from Northwest Arkansas Mall on a new back pack and some graphic tees.
I took a deep breath, and we braved Hot Topic.
Okay, I am only kidding – I actually like this store, because it reminds me so much of what I would have loved when I was a pre-teen and teenager. I shopped at Express back then (the 1980s) because they were super trendy and it was the only place to find the right outfits for wannabe Valley Girls. No other store sold hot pink crocheted fingerless gloves, y’all.
Back pack was first. Boychild has been carrying the same one since kindergarten – a blue, fake leather thing with big spikes that looks vaguely Ninja Turtle. I bought it at a specialty kids’ toy store for a lot of money, so I’m thrilled it lasted as long as it did, but it is time to grow up. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tickled that he chose one that speaks to the geeky side of his gene pool. Actually, his entire pool is geeky, so there was no avoiding it. Dr. Who for the win! (Also, check that hair!!! He aged three years sitting in that chair!

Now, about that giveaway… I have three gift cards to give to ONE lucky (local) reader:
- $50 to Payless Shoe Source
- $75 to Gap Kids (which can also be used at The Gap or Banana Republic if you have older kids)
- $75 to JC Penney
To be entered, simply leave a comment on this post sharing your most memorable fashion trend from your childhood. Spice Girl lunch box? Rainbow knee socks? High top Reeboks? Culottes?? Share a link to the post on Facebook (and let me know in the comments) for a second chance to win!
I’ll announce the winner this Friday (August 21), so stay tuned! Good luck, and happy shopping!
My favorite was those little plastic shirt clips — you gathered the bottom of your shirt to the side and pulled it through. :D
I remember those! Then we all realized we could just wear smaller shirts… :)
I also linked to your post on Facebook!
Growing up I WA…all I have to say is Flannel shirts, the older the better!!!
And what was old is new again! :)
Pegrolled jeans and a neon Vuarnet tshirt was the costume of 13 year old girls in my school.
I tried to bring back the pegroll, but it was not a good look for a 40-something…
Lisa. Frank. I feel like that is ALL I have to say. That and those horrid highwater jeans you put on us!
I kept telling you to quit growing. The DHS doesn’t look kindly on growth-stunting chemical food additives for children.
Smurfs lunchbox!!!
Shared on Facebook:
Oh my gosh, reminiscing on childhood fashion trends. BEST AND WORST. My personal favorite: pants that zipped into capris and shorts. Oh…and heelies.
Rolling up my jeans! I would give myself bruises from rolling too tight!
I remember overalls and those onesie body suit things. Ugh
Oh my gosh… Yes.
Toe socks in high school!
And those were so awesome, they made shoes with toes!! LOL!! Were yours rainbow-colored too?? :)
light brown corduroy bell bottom slacks with a pirate sleeved top, I think I had some platform shoes I didn’t wear very often, but I did have them! Yep, it was the 70’s, lol!
You know what I remember wearing? Those skirt/capri legging things that were big in the late 80s. I had a TON of those! Also – can’t forget hypercolor t-shirts! They were awesome!
I took my daughter to Hot Topic when we did her birthday/back to school shopping and she swagged up her Dr. Who gear as well while I scoped all the band shirts. That place looks like my bedroom in High School!
Then, we swung by Claire’s where she bought a pair of tie-dyed turquoise mesh fingerless gloves and a pair of legwarmers. Passing the torch!
Raising them right!!