The Arkansas Women Bloggers held a conference recently, and I met one of my favorite fellow-bloggers there, Alison Chino. Alison is from Arkansas, but she and her family are spending a few years in Scotland (which I am not envious of AT ALL). This week, Alison is walking across England – coast to coast – with a friend. She is sharing the walk with the world by posting amazing photos on her social media, and has scheduled posts about other walks she’s taken to continue to post on her blog. I encourage you to go “meet” her!
Alison has inspired this week’s prompt – taking a walk! I love a good walk, and walking through the towns and countryside of England has to be one of the loveliest strolls a person could take, don’t you think? But there are other walks taken closer to home that are also memorable, or beautiful, or challenging for some reason. Here are a few ideas:
- Tell us about a walk you took in your favorite place… is it a state park? Or a beach your family visits every year?
- How about the walk you took down the aisle? Or that your best friend/sibling/child/parent took while you looked on?
- Do you have a fur-kid you walk? Or do they walk you?
- Have you taken a significant walk when you were leaving someone? A romantic relationship? Or when you left for college? Or maybe you can tell us about watching someone you love walk away from you?
- What about a recipe for a favorite lunch or snack you pack when you go out for a hike? That counts!
You get the idea… I hope these prompts give you some good ideas for a blog post! Go write words, and come back and share your link with us on Sunday when I post the link up post. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
I’m so impressed this is happening.
Me too!!! LOL