I am a member of the Social Fabric influencer community, and this story has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. But rest assured, all opinions are mine, and I believe in the program I am promoting. #CollectiveBias
Since I started working as a freelance writer, I have started recognizing little things that I didn’t realize I had become accustomed to that were perks of working in an office environment. The constant access to snacks and Friday morning pastries… built-in lunch buddies… my Herman Miller Aeron chair… Another thing I took for granted was regular immunizations offered by my employer to help us keep the office environment free of seasonal flu bugs.
Now, when I want a snack, I have to search for one. Or even go out and buy it! Oh the horrors! Lunch dates… well. There have been moments when I am home alone missing my former co-workers. I was reminded of the year I turned fourteen and my family moved from Little Rock to Pasadena, Texas where I didn’t know a single person. It was pretty brutal. But, just like when I was fourteen, I have managed to build a new group of people around me and carry on. And I’ve figured out how to stay healthy as well.
Some might say that it is easier to be healthy working from home, and that may be true when it comes to having fewer opportunities to eat out for lunch and snack on whatever tasty baked goods might be lurking around the coffee maker, but I’m hedging my bets and getting a flu shot anyway. Okay, a flu shot won’t affect my waistline, but I do spend time in germ-riddled public places when I am desperate to put on Real Clothes and speak to other adults. I don’t even have to make an appointment and wait for an hour past my appointment time at my doctor’s office to be protected – I just go to Walgreens.

As a bonus on top of the ease and access of getting immunizations at Walgreens, this year my efforts to stay healthy will help provide access to vaccines to children around the world. From September 2nd through October 13th , every flu shot or other immunization received at Walgreens will help provide a life-saving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the United Nation Foundation’s Shot@Life Campaign. Search here to locate the Walgreens location nearest you that is offering immunizations (be sure to choose “flu shot” in the locator options filter).
In addition to helping children around the globe with their #GetAShot program, Walgreens has also donated $10 million worth of free flu shot vouchers to Americans without health insurance coverage for a flu shot and those unable to afford one without a voucher through the Department of Health and Human Services to help increase immunization rates among underserved populations throughout the United States.
Why don’t you join me in staying healthy and providing life-saving vaccines to the world’s most vulnerable citizens – its children. You can go online and pledge to get your shot, and learn more about the program, just click the image below. Watch the following video to learn more about how the “Get A Shot. Give a Shot.” program is making a difference. (Fair warning: Have a tissue or three handy!!)
When I started working on my own, I was shocked that I seemed to catch every. little. bug. that was going around. Last winter I was sick at least once a month for four months. I asked my doctor about it considering I spent 8 years as an education reporter and rarely got sick. He said with me being in the house and away from people so much, I had lost my immunity to it like I had built up when I was around kids so much. So I guess the moral of the story is, get your flu shot and hang out with germy kids for the non flu stuff! LOL!
I hadn’t thought about the immunity angle, Jamie! Thanks for sharing. :)
I love how easy it is to not only protect your own health but pay it forward and help another child get protected by getting your immunizations at Walgreens! #client