I have neglected my blogs this month, I’m sorry. I have been writing, but the writing has been done for clients and others rather than for myself. So, YAY for writing, BOO for having no time to create my own words in my own space. Here’s a little update on what’s been keeping me busy…
This week I finally got my hands on the April issue of AY Magazine, which, I’m pleased to say, has my name and photo listed on their Contributors page. (Right above P. Allen Smith… I’m in good company!) I was contacted to write up a couple of interviews with some breast cancer survivors who live in my area, and to create some copy about breast cancer treatment and detection advances in NW Arkansas. When the editor told me about the pieces, she said it was to support the magazine’s sponsorship of the Komen Ozark Race for the Cure, which happens this month. For some reason I assumed that meant that there would be a larger piece about the race, and that my pieces would be smaller and fill in here and there. Boy, was I wrong!

This month, they called me again about a last-minute photo piece for their “Dwell” section in the May issue that needed copy. It’s really exciting to be building a reputation as a dependable regular contributor to a magazine that is read by more people than just my family. Hah! Just kidding! (Not really.)
I am also finishing up a piece for Do South Magazine that will be in their May publication. It’s at about 1500 words right now, and will include photos as well. It’s a longer piece, and different than most of the work I’ve done to date… more research and quotes involved. The magazine is distributed in Fort Smith, so I’ll have to run down there to get my hands on a copy when it comes out. There is also a digital issue though, which is great for use in my online portfolio.
Those are the big things… I’m also working on a couple of things for Arkansas Women Bloggers, and keeping up with some contracted work. I’ve been so fortunate to have made contacts over the last couple of years that are now becoming sources of income. It is so important, I think, when you are trying to change your life, to start spending time with those people who are doing the things you want to do. So many of my writing and blogging friends have been willing to offer advice and recommend me to potential clients. I’m just thankful every day for the life I am living right now. Amazing.
It’s Monday! Get out there and take some baby steps toward YOUR goals this week. What life-change are you working toward? Or, if you’re already well down the path – where are you headed? Let’s take a minute to encourage each other!