Oh, Tuesday, how glorious you were!!! After weeks and months of bitter cold and wet and snow and more wet and unpredictable inches of snow and more freezing, it was a welcome change to open up the windows and see sun streaming in on the breeze.
Of course, when one opens the windows and lets the sun in, it’s also possible that the dust and cat hair and other miscellaneous nasty stuff will become visible on floors and other flat surfaces and make one start reciting one’s blessings under their breath as a means of deflecting the thoughts of “you’re a quack of a housekeeper” creeping in. Or so I’ve heard.

So when faced with this mess today, it made sense that I should immediately leave the room and find something else to do. Okay, not really. I swept it up. BUT, it spurred me to get some cleaning done. We are thinking about moving this year, but before that can happen we have to get a lot of cleaning out and sprucing up done in the house.
As I was getting started, a client sprung a new request on me this afternoon, but I was able to stay focused. I love the work I do, but I knew that getting a home project off my list today while the windows were open and Nickle Creek was cranked would make it a lot easier to buckle down on the request first thing in the morning. I’ve been trying to carve out time to do house and creative stuff as I also get my work done. It’s easy to stay busy with work, and never completely finish laundry and kitchen organizing and such… but then those projects sit in the back of my mind and keep me from feeling at ease. Just getting this one thing done today is making me feel like “aaaahhhhhh…”.
I wish I had taken a “before” shot of my laundry room, but I was too eager to get started. Plus, I didn’t plan to write about it. I have a great laundry room. It’s about 12×8, with a wall of cabinetry like a butler’s pantry on one side. I found one of those rolling laundromat carts at a thrift store last year, and on one wall I hung a long row of hooks to hold tote bags and such. It’s awesome. But the trash can overflowed with dryer lint, there was a huge box of junk that needed to go away, a pile of comforters and blankets that need to be washed, and one side of the sink was full of burlap coffee bags. Lordy. It’s so good to have it clean again!
I also whipped up some homemade laundry soap. Because, you know… I always wanted to be Laura Ingalls. Except without the beating my dress on a rock on the banks of Plum Creek part. I don’t mind a washer and dryer. Call me a goody-goody.

So, come on spring!!! I have a lot more projects to knock off the list, and there’s plenty more dust and cat hair to clean up. What’s on your spring cleaning list?