It’s funny how the most random things we read or observe can cause an epiphany of monumental proportions. Or, at least, a little lightbulb to go off in our heads, and a connection or reinforcement of a life-lesson to be experienced. For me, this happens on occasion when I’m reading the posts of some of my friends and fellow bloggers. Like this time here… or today, as I read an unassuming little post about the search for the perfect couch written by my friend Jodi.
The very last point Jodi makes in her post is about how important it is to “scroll down” when searching for something on Google. Many of you, especially fellow content-creators, are very familiar with the changes constantly being implemented by Google and other online search engines to help them provide the masses with the Best Content Available on the internet. (According to them.) We use keywords, check our stats, insert links that support and add to the value of our content… but as soon as we think we have a handle on it, it changes again. The internet is a tricky place, y’all. I’m not sure Al Gore would claim it if he were given the chance today.
So, to Jodi’s point – the top results in your Google search may be the most popular, and the most relevant according to Google, but if you don’t scroll down, you may be missing some great stuff at the bottom of the page. Or, on pages 2 – 37, for that matter.
Today’s lightbulb moment happened when Jodi shared that with a little scrolling, she found a great article further down in the search results, and wondered how things might be different if we looked “beyond what comes up right away.”
Wow, right??
I immediately thought of how many opportunities are missed because too often we don’t look outside our own boxes. How many times do we make choices based not on what we dream of doing, but what is easiest to do? We take the path of least resistance. We stay on the beaten path. We study the subject in school that promises the best career options… we live in the same town for decades because we know the people and where the post office is… we stay in the same job because we know how to do that job… You know what I’m talking about.
The irony is that while we are staying safe and only clicking on the first few links in our life, we’re admiring those people we see and read about who STEPPED OUT. The people who followed their dreams even if it meant scrolling past the easy options and the obvious opportunities. We marvel at people who accept jobs in fields they have no formal training in, or in foreign countries just because they want to see the world. We follow the blog of friends who take time out to go to South America to build an orphanage and we think they’re so brave. I think it’s easy to get stuck in our lives and never take a chance, but I don’t think we have to.
Having a life worth living means something different to everyone. Obviously. I’m not suggesting that we all need to rent out our homes and take off to the Rockies to be ski instructors (although, how cool would that be?). And I do not mean to imply that everyone who is perfectly happy in their lives are missing out, or are somehow doing it wrong. But I do believe that it is important to keep an eye on those search results on the next page. Don’t assume that what you have right now is all you can have. No matter how amazing and blessed your life is, what if something is out there that would take it to the next level?
I have a couple of friends, Lela and Stephanie, who were already doing awesome things, but because of their awesomeness, were asked to join a new business venture. They accepted, not because they were unhappy with what they were doing, but because even though the opportunity may not have come up in the top three of their search results, it did come up. This is what I’m talking about. Not jumping for the sake of the jump – but keeping an eye on the door in case something too good to pass up pokes its head in and winks at you.
In everything, I hope I remember to scroll down. You just never know what you might find.
Wow, this might just be a bloggers dream – one sentence prompts this great exploration! Thanks, Laurie – this is wicked cool!
I was also thinking about it in terms of political debate – huffpo and buzzfeed and others have popularized content that is rarely rich in context or nuance – those are usually well below the fold.