Black Friday is getting mixed reviews this year, as I’m sure you’re aware. There are those who have added a trip to one or five large national chain stores to their annual Thanksgiving holiday “to-do” list, and look forward to it each year with mounting anticipation. They gather the flyers, they visit the websites, and they make lists. It’s a Big Deal to those people.
Then there are the folks on the other end of the spectrum who not only avoid Black Friday sales, but also condemn them as an example of What is Wrong With Our Country. They shake their fists in righteous indignation and mourn for the fabric of our society that is being burned to a crisp by the demonic fire that is Black Friday.
That might be a bit of an overstatement. But maybe not.
Then there are people like me. :) I do not care to shop at big box stores on Black Friday. I prefer to sleep later than 4:00 a.m. and I don’t have steel-toed boots to protect me from the sale-hunting horde. I don’t need twelve $10.00 crock pots or a t.v. for $50. And neither does anyone I know. I prefer to make holiday gift lists with a little more thought, and even make many of my gifts by hand. I am pretty sure that one time my mom and I ventured out on a Black Friday (after dawn, and with no list) was enough for me. Then I heard of Ozark Natural Food’s Brighten Up Black Friday event.
The best thing? It started at 8:00 a.m.! A perfectly reasonable time to start. And it lasted until 11:00 a.m. So really, I could even sleep in if I wanted. But I have kids, so that wasn’t an option. My daughter and I ventured down to ONF to check out the specials this morning, and we found some great stuff! A few things for me, a few things for others… and a whole lot of awesome in between. Plus, it smells SO GOOD in that store! I would have spent hours sitting in their cafe area just breathing in and out if my family didn’t expect to eat lunch today.
In addition to the great deals, they had .99 cent scones and coffee, which are always welcome. Here are some of my favorite finds…

So did you go shopping for Black Friday this year? What was your favorite find? Do you make lists, or just wing it? This is the first year for Brighten Up Black Friday at Ozark Natural Foods – but I hope it’s not the last! See you next year. ;)