You have to see this. If you went to the movie theater to see all three of the original Star Wars movies, or even if you weren’t old enough to enjoy that experience, you have to see this. Charles Ross is a Canadian actor who put together this little 20 minute thing he did for friends years ago, and it’s turned into a one-hour romp (what a great word that is) through the original trilogy that kept Hubby and I laughing out loud. I even slapped my knee.

But you’ve seen the movies in the theater, you’ve got them in your dvd collection, you even had them in your vhs collection when you were old school… why would you want to watch some guy rush through them leaving out all the details that make them the classics they are? (Especially some Canadian, for gods sake…) Ahhh… but that’s the beauty!! If you know all the lines and have memorized the facial expressions and can make the sound of a blaster or light saber (even if only in your car, or the shower… ) you will LOVE this guy! He condenses the movies into the high points and mimics the characters, or stereotypes them perhaps, in a way that had audience members snorting with laughter even as we nodded our heads in agreement; “yes! although Han doesn’t REALLY grab his package in any of the films, that’s something he’d definintely DO!!”.

Unfortunately, Mr. Ross is on his way to Europe at the moment, so I can’t tell you when he’ll be in your city. Just keep an eye on his website (or sign up for his email alerts) and make sure you buy a ticket next time he’s near you. And may the force be with you. I had to say that. I’m just that much of a geek.